“Your Precious Love” by Don Kingfisher Campbell

Your Precious Love written ‘In Synergy’ with “Kiss Remix #2” by Richard May

You are the butterfly|

who fluttered onto my skin

made me feel the music

of lips on lips leading

to mouth into mouth dancing

dripped like Motown 45’s

because Marvin Gaye had found

his Tammi Terrell

and as the Atlantic is rough

you flipped my lower finger

from torn conversation into

a collage of hot conversion

You have become my Queen of Hearts

inspiring me to create this wall of words

Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, taught Writers Seminar at Occidental College Upward Bound for 36 years, been a coach and judge for Poetry Out Loud, a performing poet/teacher for Red Hen Press Youth Writing Workshops, L.A. Coordinator and Board Member of California Poets In The Schools, poetry editor of the Angel City Review, publisher of Spectrum magazine, and host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading series in Pasadena, California. For awards, features, and publication credits, please go to: http://dkc1031.blogspot.com