“Empty Shell” by Lori Wall-Holloway

Empty Shell written ‘In Synergy’ with “Afterlife” by Caryn Gilbert

Ghosts of lively past drift
amongst grey, empty 
shell of stone building
planted in middle 
of dry desert beneath
an intense sun

Silver jets fly overhead
and quake the ground
with sonic booms 
shaking broken windows
loose from the structure

Once bustling with life
in days of intense war 
to house soldiers bonded 
with purpose and allegiance 
to one another
now sits abandoned 
during times of peace

Except for animals
and reptiles who sneak
in to make a home

Lori Wall-Holloway is a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, and her poetry has appeared in several anthologies, including Agape Review, Highland Park Poetry, Four Feathers Press and Pasadena’s Spectrum. She enjoys capturing moments in the lives of those she loves and hopes her work will give encouragement to subsequent generations.