Four Poems by Jennifer Baptiste

Papiyon of Hispaniola – Written ‘In Synergy’ with “Mujer De Las Mariposas” by Vibiana Aparicio-Chamberlin

I danced to the frequency of the earth
And the papiyon flew in sync with me

My hips swirled in the aura of my world 
And the papiyon flowed with me

The colors of my essence radiated
With passion, pleasure and patience

While the papiyon kissed my crown,
Dressed my collar, 
And fluttered alongside me

Firestarter – Written ‘In Synergy’ with “I’ve Weathered Storms and Fires Foreseen” by J Michael Walker

I asked the most dangerous ask
And set the world aflame.

I asked for a seat at the table
And they set it on fire.

I asked for pieces of the land
And they charred it leaving no life.

I asked to break the ceiling 
And they tore apart a clouded sky.

I asked to dream wishes upon stars
And they rained down bombs of 
Resistance and blessed me with 

For asking the most dangerous ask.
I asked for equality.

Fair In Fauna – Written ‘In Synergy’ with “Corrina of the Palms” by J Michael Walker

Fair in fauna
Drowned in sepia
Dancing in avion bliss

Right eye marked by beauty
Left eye drifting in wonder
Telling a story of remiss

Sleeping Faces – Written ‘In Synergy’ with “No Title” by Patricia Gay

Sleeping faces, brown in blackness.
Crossed with stripes of mandarin artistry
Crowned in cotton and kissed in mothers love 
Pierced with fashionable decor.

Sleeping faces rich with history.
Made from the earth covered in leaves
Profiled in golden design 
dressed in cascading feathers.

Jennifer “Miss B” Baptiste is a writer living in North Hollywood, California. She was born and raised in Texas and is a second generation American of Haitian descent. She loves creating lyrical introspective pieces that resonate with the heart and mind to promote healing, empowerment, and curiosity. You can explore more of her poetry writing through Drifter Zine, Poem-A-Week with Sims Poetry Library, and Spectrum Publishing. Feel free to connect with her at @WheresMsB on all social media platforms to learn more about her day to day creative life.

Jennifer Baptiste