“Balancing on Board” by Richard Dutton

Balancing on Board written ‘In Synergy’ with “Our Love is Here to Stay” played by William Bing (Gary Pratt on bass)

Before I met my wife, I took a cruise 
on a retired military ship and was dancing.
During a dance the ocean began to severely rock.
The dance floor began to move like a wave 
sliding chairs and tables across the floor.
Everyone on chairs looked frightened.

To keep my balance and hold my partner steady,
I looked outside at the horizon
and smoothly continued my Cha-Cha-Cha.
A few tables slightly bumped into us.
Some people said my dancing was too dangerous.
Sometimes you like to have odd things happen.

Speaking with your body is different 
from speaking words.
I liked responding to the music.
Going with the rhythm.

After I sat down two men offered me a job.
It would pay more than I was currently making.
They didn’t say what kind of job. 
I declined but met one of them a few years later.
He sold me a diamond ring.

Richard Dutton, retired from the fields of engineering and education, has three post-grad degrees and a passion for word play. Publications include Altadena Poetry Review, Poetry and Cookies, Southern California Haiku Group Anthologies, and Spectrum Publishing.