William Bing

Fischer Tull Sonata, movement 1 (Tad White – piano)
Jazz at the Mozart Festival (excerpt)
Ponchielli Trumpet Concerto (excerpt)
Our Love is Here to Stay (Gary Pratt on bass)
Music for the play Four Roses, composed by Steven Argila

William Bing is soon to retire as Director of Bands and Artist in Residence at the California Institute of Technology Bill and his wife Delores have won many teaching awards including the Associated Students of Caltech Teaching Award, Pasadena Youth Music Council Teacher of the Year, and most recently Honorary Membership in the Caltech Alumni Association. For ten years he was a member of the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra, and for five years he was a performer with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. He has published two method books for trumpet. Students that have studied with Bill have played with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Reel Big Fish, Poncho Sanchez, the Duke Ellington Orchestra, the Pacific Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and many other classical, rock, and jazz ensembles